Сайты ТУСУРа

Russian Electronics Chronology


Chronology of the events connected with the history of electronics development in Russia is given in the book. While choosing the facts, the main attention was paid to the role of personalities. At the end of the book there are given chronological data concerning some enterprises of electronics profile in Russia. These data provide the general impression about the level of the electronics industry development in Russia in the second part of the XX century. The list of sources of information at the end of the book can provide additional information concerning the subject.

Кафедра радиоэлектроники и систем связи

Библиографическая запись:

Шарыгина, Л. И. Russian Electronics Chronology: Монография [Электронный ресурс] / Л. И. Шарыгина. — Томск: ТУСУР, 2010. — 102 с. — Режим доступа:
Автор:   Шарыгина Л. И.
Год издания: 2010
Количество страниц: 102
Скачиваний: 1964
ISBN:   978-5-86889-532-6

Оглавление (содержание)

From ancient times up to now

Science and engineering in Russia

Russian electronics chronology

All Russian Research Institute of Radio Engineering

M. Reshetnev corporation “Information Satellite Systems”

JSC “Radar MMS”

Corporation “Phazotron-NIIR”

Central Design Office of Automation

Bibliography cited