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Channel Waveguides and Their Systems Optically Induced in Photorefractive Surface Area of Lithium Niobate

Статья в сборнике трудов конференции

Optically induced channel waveguides and their systems with spatial parameters in lithium niobate sample surface, doped with photorefractive impurities, are experimentally studied by light diffraction. Formation of channel waveguides by laser beam in different directions with respect to the crystal optical axis has been demonstrated. The channel waveguides have been formed via the point-by-point exposure at light wavelengths of 532 nm and 450 nm. It is shown that the distance between exposing light spot centers affects to the homogeneity and width of channel waveguides and their systems.

Библиографическая запись: Bezpaly, A. D. Channel Waveguides and Their Systems Optically Induced in Photorefractive Surface Area of Lithium Niobate / A. D. Bezpaly, A. S. Perin, V. M. Shandarov // 5th International School and Conference Saint-Petersburg OPEN 2018 (St. Petersburg, April 2-5, 2018). – Vol. 5. – SPb.: Academic University Publishing, 2018. – P. 303-304.


  • 5th International School and Conference Saint-Petersburg OPEN 2018
  • Россия, Томская область, Томск, 2-05 апреля 2018,
  • Международная


St. Petersburg Academic University

Россия, Томская область, Томск

Научный руководитель:  Шандаров В. М.
Год издания:  2018
Страницы:  303 - 304
Язык:  Английский