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Review of the use and current status of UAV technology and their capabilities

Статья в сборнике трудов конференции

The speedy development of technology over the past ten years has allowed drones to become an important part in different sides of our life. Drones are becoming smaller, smarter and cheaper to manufacture. The market for civilian drones is growing rapidly. Thus, they have reached a level at which we can consider them as a threat. If at the beginning of their «career», drones performed auxiliary functions of reconnaissance, today they are an independent striking force, which can cause a lot of trouble, especially if they have the potential to perform dangerous, malicious, or unwanted acts. That includes the devices intended to carry out hostile missions, operated by an unsafe individual, or used for crossing into a sensitive area. This paper is aimed at identifying the drones and their current technology status, and at making a point on how these vehicles represent a threat to our life in different ways and aspects.

Библиографическая запись: Alhaj Hasan, A. Review of the use and current status of UAV technology and their capabilities [Электронный ресурс] / A. Alhaj Hasan // Электронные средства и системы управления : материалы докладов XV Международной научно-практической конференции (Томск, 20-22 ноября 2019 г.) : в 2 ч. – Томск : В-Спектр, 2019. – Ч. 2. – С. 237-240.

Ключевые слова:



  • Электронные средства и системы управления
  • Россия, Томская область, Томск, 18-20 ноября 2019,
  • Международная



Россия, Томская область, Томск

Автор:  Алхадж Х. А.
Год издания:  2019
Страницы:  237 - 240
Язык:  Английский
Индексируется в РИНЦ