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A comparative study on the parasitic parameter extraction techniques for the small-signal microwave pHEMT modeling

Статья в сборнике трудов конференции

In this paper we overview the common parasitic extraction techniques that have been widely applied for the small-signal GaAs pHEMT modeling. Using the reviewed techniques and their combinations several small signal models have been built and compared in terms of accuracy. For the small-signal modeling we used the measured S-parameters of the 0.25 um GaAs pHEMT with a 6x50 um total gate width. The values of S-parameters relative error for all the combinations of considered parasitic extraction techniques is provided. The most appropriate extraction flow of the parasitic capacitances, inductances and resistances is derived which results into the small-signal model with a total accuracy value less than 6%.

Библиографическая запись: A comparative study on the parasitic parameter extraction techniques for the small-signal microwave pHEMT modeling / A. A. Popov [et. al.] // Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines: XIII International scientific and technical conference (05–07 November 2019, Omsk, Russias): Conference Paper. - Omsk: IEEE, 2019. - P. 8944631. - DOI: 10.1109/Dynamics47113.2019.8944631.


  • XIII International scientific and technical conference "Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines" (Dynamics)
  • Россия, Омская область, Омск, 5-07 ноября 2019,
  • Международная



Russia, Омская область, Омск

Год издания:  2019
Страницы:  1 - 5
Язык:  Английский
DOI:  10.1109/Dynamics47113.2019.8944631
Индексируется в Scopus