Сайты ТУСУРа

Energy-Efficient Economy as a Condition of Human Capital Reproduction

Статья в сборнике трудов конференции

The article is devoted to assessment of quantitative and qualitative human capital reproduction in energy-efficient economy provided by research of correlation between dynamics of energy consumption and transformation of life quality. The purpose of the research is to assess the role of energy-efficient economy in shaping of the conditions for human capital reproduction as a way of investment into its qualitative development. To achieve this purpose transformation of traditional spheres of sustainable development together with the implementation of the energy-efficient economy approaches in terms of maintaining of quality of human capital are considered. We conduct a study comparing several dependencies: development of productive powers - increasing requirements for the quality of human capital; ensuring effective reproduction - improving the quality of life, improving the quality of life associated with the economic system; GDP – energy consumption; GDP - CO2 emissions. The object of the study is dynamics of indicators characterizing the above dependencies, a number of the countries – members of the OECD – having an expanded human capital reproduction. Examined countries demonstrate correlation between energy efficiency of economy and quality of human capital with rather a wide variability of chosen indicators. Results of the research may become a base for forecast of development of studied indicators and their factors.

Библиографическая запись: Pogharnitskaya, O. V. Energy-Efficient Economy as a Condition of Human Capital Reproduction / O. V. Pogharnitskaya, E. G. Matyugina, E. S. Terdi // 17th International Scientific Conference “Problems of Enterprise Development: Theory and Practice” 2018. - P. 1-6. -DOI: 10.1051/shsconf/20196209004


  • 17th International Scientific Conference “Problems of Enterprise Development: Theory and Practice”
  • Россия, Самарская область, Самара, 11-13 декабря 2018,
  • Международная


SHS Web Conf.

Россия, Самарская область, Самара

Год издания:  2019
Страницы:  2261 - 2421
Язык:  Английский
DOI:  10.1051/shsconf/20196209004