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Innovative Activity as an Indicator of the Economic Health of the Region

Статья в сборнике трудов конференции

The article is to study the problem of maintaining the economic health of the territory by providing the relevant dynamics of its innovative component. Innovative activity of the region, as a key indicator, reflecting the efficiency of distribution and use of different resources, contributes to the competitive advantages, implemented at the regional, national (and even international) levels. It is also a tool of smoothing threats. Formation and development of economic regional and sectoral interactions de-termine a variability of the forms of the results obtained. The hierarchy of the economic health is based on the differentiation of the parameters of innovation activity regarding the entities of different levels of management and their mutual influence. There-fore the criteria of economic health have been detalized taking into account innovation activity and its most significant interde-pendencies. National and international experience of forming the conditions for intensification of innovative activity has been con-sidered, tools of implementation have been classified. The dynam-ics of innovative activity of the regions of the Siberian Federal District has been analyzed. Federal State Statistics Service ( five year period) and the activity of innovative clusters have been used as a source of a fact-based official data.

Библиографическая запись: Innovative Activity as an Indicator of the Economic Health of the Region / E. G. Matyugina // Proceedings of the International Science and Technology Conference "FarEastСon" (ISCFEC 2019): Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. - Atlantis Press, 2019. - Vol. 79. - P. 302-304. -DOI: 10.2991/iscfec-19.2019.85

Ключевые слова:



  • Proceedings of the International Science and Technology Conference "FarEastСon"
  • Россия, Приморский край, Владивосток, 2-04 октября 2018,
  • Международная



Нидерланды, Приморский край, Владивосток

Автор:  Матюгина Э. Г.
Год издания:  2019
Страницы:  302 - 304
Язык:  Английский