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Problem of Ink evaporation while using plotter systems to manufacture printed electronic products

Статья в сборнике трудов конференции

We give a description of ink-jet and plotter technologies used in the manufacture of printed electronic products, including the advantages and drawbacks of these technologies. We discuss the problem of ink evaporation common to plotter printing systems. We present theoretical and experimental dependence of thinner evaporation rate on the position in capillary. We offer a configuration and operation algorithm of a plotter system which allows reduced effects of ink evaporation.

Библиографическая запись: Problem of Ink evaporation while using plotter systems to manufacture printed electronic products / А. М. Allanurov [et. al.] // International workshop on innovation in information and communication science and technology (IICST 2014): Procedia Technology. - Elsevir, 2014. - P. 19-24. - DOI: 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.11.006.


  • International workshop on Innovations in Information and Communication Science and Technology, IICST
  • Польша, Warszawa, 3-05 сентября 2014,
  • Международная


Procedia Technology

Польша, Warszawa

Год издания:  2014
Страницы:  19 - 24
Язык:  Английский
DOI:  10.1016/j.protcy.2014.11.006